Improve Common Areas

Here are pictures of how rundown our complex looks
– Frayed paper notices.  Why don’t we have proper permanent signage?
– Rusted balcony railing.  Why have the railings not been properly repainted?
– 50-year old wallpaper in the basements?
– Dying plants and decrepit furniture in the lobby of 115!
– Visitors’ parking is being rented out to commercial vehicles.
– Dead trees are not completely removed and dead branches are not cut off.

The Board keeps talking about a balconies repair project.  Our balcony looked terrible when we moved in, in 2019.  Still looks decrepit!

Here’s a picture of a basement wall in 115.

Here are a few pictures of how cheap, old and rundown the lobby in 115 looks.  Furniture looks awful.  Plants are dying and sitting in old and dirty pie plates.

A picture of the south visitors parking lot and the lawn behind it.  
The 2 work trucks have apparently been approved, by our current Board, to permanently pay to park in the lot.  IT’S AN EYESORE.  Our decision makers don’t care what it looks like!
Two dead trees were removed last year.  But the job was not properly completed.  They left the stumps, probably to save money.  IT’S AN EYESORE.
Another tree has lots of dead branches.  IT’S AN EYESORE.