Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meetings should return to being held in-person and broadcast on Zoom.  The COVID pandemic is now over.  We should all be free to participate, in an unrestricted way and not controlled by Zoom.

The July 2024 meeting was limited to 90-minutes.  It’s the Board’s way of limiting discussion and questions.  No time limit should be set.  We should all be able to speak and ask all the questions that we want to.

The Elections
The July   2024 election for our Board of Directors resulted in 4 directors being elected:  3 who were promoted by Moti Flaster  and Daniel Abramov, whom I, George Chajes, promoted.   I’m thrilled for Daniel Abramov.

Those of you who attended the annual meeting will have seen me question the election results.  I was given vague answers in what I perceived to be a begrudging way.  This is WRONG!

This year, we were not able to vote electronically, in advance of the meeting – making it harder to vote. Did they do this on purpose?  

The Board wanted to frighten owners by claiming that we might cause “Special Assessments”. Special Assessments are for emergency projects for which there is not enough money in the Reserve Fund.  We don’t know the status of our Reserve Fund, because our current Board does not share that information with us.  So, who should be blamed if we need a Special Assessment?

Click here to see an email exchange between George and Danny Brass.  An owner distributed a flyer that criticized the Board’s handling of the roof repair/replacement projects at 135 and on the townhouses.  Do you think it’s appropriate for Danny to call an owner “Animal” and “ignorant”?  Is this really the type of Board that we want and need?

Click here to see the lawyer’s letter that was forwarded to me.  I believe that there are easier, faster and cheaper ways to communicate than by using lawyers.  

Someone used a condo staff member to distribute Moti Flaster’s flyer containing his opinions about who you should vote for in the upcoming Board elections.  I think that is wrong.  

I found significant mistakes in the original Annual Meeting Package that all condo owners were originally sent.  The original package showed 4 candidates for the Board.  Somehow, the 2 of us were excluded:  George Chajes and Daniel Abramov.  Was that a coincidence?  In addition, the Proxy form did not give us, the owners, the ability to vote for individual candidates.  It only gives us the ability to appoint a proxy.

We had a very shortened proxy voting time period.  I believe this gives advantage to current Directors who are running for re-election! 

June 25, 2024:  Our Bylaw 9.1(b) requires that the annual meeting occur no later than 6-months after the fiscal year-end.  That makes June 30th that latest legal date.  Our meeting has been delayed, without public explanation, until July 10th.  I think this could advantage current Directors who are up for re-election.

June 24, 2024: The unit owned by one current Director is reported as sold, on   Yet this Director is listed as one whose term has not expired.  That is contrary to our bylaw 7.3(d)