Other Issues

We will add issues raised by owners.

Electricity Charges.

In the contract signed by Moti, in 2019, Metergy was allowed to charge each unit $10/month for it’s Administration Fee.  That contract allowed Metergy to annually increase that fee by reasonable amounts.

That fee is buried in the “Delivery” line of everyone’s monthly bill.  

The buried fee is now up to $14.97/month, for each of the 255 units in our complex.  That’s a 49% increase!

During the same time, 2019 to 2024, the Consumer Price Index, as reported by Statistics Canada, has increase by roughly 18%.   Money is being unfairly taken from our pockets because of how this contract was signed!

So, we are paying Metergy $46,000 per year, at the current $14.97 rate, for their automated invoicing services.

This contract expires at the end of 2026.

Contrary to what lies you were told during the 2023 Board elections, I, George Chajes, was the one who found how we were being excessively charged for electricity because of a contract signed, without our Board’s approval, by our previous property management company, BPI.  I also found this hidden fee, described above.

See below for the 2 relevant pages of the Metergy contract.